Hopefully see you all soon.x
termite 35
JoinedPosts by termite 35
I had a crappy day today- this helped...
by termite 35 ina friend texted this to me today.... a man took his wife to the doctor to be checked out as she was feeling unwell.
after examining her he took the husband to one side and sighed, ' i'm afraid it's very serious; your wife has either aids or alzheimers .. ' that's terrible ' exclaimed the man, 'but how will i know which one she's got?'.
' oh, that's easy enough sir, just put her on a bus and if she comes home, don't shag her'
I had a crappy day today- this helped...
by termite 35 ina friend texted this to me today.... a man took his wife to the doctor to be checked out as she was feeling unwell.
after examining her he took the husband to one side and sighed, ' i'm afraid it's very serious; your wife has either aids or alzheimers .. ' that's terrible ' exclaimed the man, 'but how will i know which one she's got?'.
' oh, that's easy enough sir, just put her on a bus and if she comes home, don't shag her'
termite 35
Hi Eman, Thankyou I was just in the process of 'requesting permission to stay out all night, Sir' so I can show you all what i'm made of...
Hi too to Onacruse ( still?!) Rich and Matty- disgraceful ones are always the best
41/2 stones !!!!!!!! i'm on my way That's amazing- how did you do that? I'm impressed- Good luck with the house etc- could you borrow less and move inland a bit? We're still buying to sell on after doing up- it's pretty good out there still - if you can find them- we go to auctions- there's a good one coming up if you're interested, mail me.
Hopefully see you in July (don't stand sideways!)
Unusual statement in June 1, 2003 Watchtower
by Smiles inin the second study article of the june 1, 2003 watchtower, discussing how jehovah's witnesses should react when "gog of magog" (satan the devil) attacks them just before armageddon, page 21, paragraph 16 says, in part:.
how will god's servants react?.
"as never before, true christians will then need to place their confidence in fellow worshipers authorized by jehovah and his reigning king to take the lead.
termite 35
Surely they should only be placing their trust in Jehovah.
I remember a whole talk specifically on the subject of not relying on anyone human at that time - that was when our personnal relationship with HIM was to be tested to the limit.
They used to say that would be too easy and that we'd probably all be seperated from eachother and scattered about anyway- i'm confused.. but i'm out, so it dos'nt actually matter
I expect he thought the suffragettes were suffering from some kind of menstral delerium as they made their speeches.and that Jane Addams did'nt accomplish much on week 3 of her cycle.
I should have taken advantage of it and swung a cliched, irrational( but swift ) left hook over the head with a saucepan attached a vacant, tearful expression on my face.
I had a crappy day today- this helped...
by termite 35 ina friend texted this to me today.... a man took his wife to the doctor to be checked out as she was feeling unwell.
after examining her he took the husband to one side and sighed, ' i'm afraid it's very serious; your wife has either aids or alzheimers .. ' that's terrible ' exclaimed the man, 'but how will i know which one she's got?'.
' oh, that's easy enough sir, just put her on a bus and if she comes home, don't shag her'
termite 35
Hi there stranger ( that one would have to be an email Ballistic )
How are things with you?
Got your house yet? ( I need that party )
For those interested...
by Valis in.
a mouse whispered in my ear today that the may km was around... sincerely,.
district overbeer of the "faithless and indiscrete slave" class
termite 35
They really ought to be more careful with what they leave lying around...I would'nt say no to a peek.
I had a crappy day today- this helped...
by termite 35 ina friend texted this to me today.... a man took his wife to the doctor to be checked out as she was feeling unwell.
after examining her he took the husband to one side and sighed, ' i'm afraid it's very serious; your wife has either aids or alzheimers .. ' that's terrible ' exclaimed the man, 'but how will i know which one she's got?'.
' oh, that's easy enough sir, just put her on a bus and if she comes home, don't shag her'
termite 35
A friend texted this to me today...
A man took his wife to the Doctor to be checked out as she was feeling unwell.
After examining her he took the husband to one side and sighed, ' I'm afraid it's very serious; your wife has either Aids or Alzheimers .
' That's terrible ' exclaimed the man, 'but how will I know which one she's got?'
' Oh, that's easy enough Sir, just put her on a bus and if she comes home, don't shag her'
Still do not know where I fit in the picture.....
by LyinEyes intoday is easter sunday, my younger kids went with cousins to hunt for eggs.
i saw many people out and about in their sunday finest with family going to church......... i go to the grocery store in my hooter's tshirt......... i know it takes time after leaving the borg to find your place,,,,,,,,,but i am wondering if i will ever feel differently than i do now?
i can't put my true heart into celebrating xmas, or easter,,,,,,these religious holidays mean nothing to me.
termite 35
Hi Dede,
I guess we're all still a bit mixed up after all the crap we've been through.
I found myself wondering what the witnesses were doing this Easter ( as I always do at each holiday) while I hid my kid's eggs. I made a roast dinner (why?!) seemed a way to mark it - wondered whether I should have bought lamb...I did go to my son's Easter service at the village school he goes to, thought I should have gone to church somewhere else along the line but did'nt. The need for that closeness washes over me in waves and leaves as quickly as it came.
Do I feel resentful or sad? Yes, and angry and empty sometimes too.
I hate the witnesses for taking my religion away from me due to the hypocracy they showed me and I can honestly say I have no desire or need for it in my life anymore but that leaves a hole that nothing seems to fill.
Perhaps it will come in time; or the desire for needing it will leave me in peace.
I hope you find something to fill that void in the future - perhaps now you're open to new ideas something
will find you.
Take care of yourself
termite xx
termite 35
Hi Nowisee;
I had a place to study Art at college when I left school; but could'nt take it as I had to look after my mother.
I worked in a bank for a long time ( but nearly died of boredom ) and then later as a gardener and garden designer which is fantastic, though I always painted and exhibited.
I finally went back to college when I realised Armageddon was'nt coming and I the elders stopped breathing down my neck and am now studying for my Art degree in Fine Art/ Sculpure.
I'm still gardening and designing when im not at college and love both parts to my week.
We also have a business renovating listed buildings , which we squeeze in at weekends. I hate to be bored.
Life is great when you're out as you can finally realise all your goals .
I wonder how many witnesses would love to get stuck into something worthwhile but are held back because of the attitude of the society.
I remember being told only 2 years ago by the woman I studied with that it was'nt important that her daughter went into the 6th form or went on to higher education as she was a GIRL and would probably get married and that it was her husbands duty to support her She was very scathing at my reaction and that was the turning point for me as I had never actually heard anyone in the society dismiss education on the grounds of sex before and did'nt realise how many thought that way.
what was the situation with you and college etc?
Tattoos anyone?
by Maverick inwhen my ex ran amuck i got a tattoo of barbwire encircling my left bicep.
for me it was a symbol of the imprisoned state i found myself in.
i was an ms at the time and no one said a word!
termite 35
I have a tiny one on my shoulder, a tulip, I have a kind of love-hate-relationship with it. I wanted to get it lasered but my husband loves it.
Sometimes I think they look cheap but then I remember I was 18 when I got it done and it's part of my history and being an artist it's kind of nice to have art on your body...I always REALLY like them on men though...
by nightwarrior inour son ben is celebrating his 15th birthday on friday 11, but actually it is his 1st birthday aswell.. so please help us celebrate with him be sending him some cool messages.
he is really excited, and he is getting some cool pressies.
he has been really funny, but it is lovely to see.. we would really appreciate it.. thanks everyone.
termite 35
well; I hope that worked Ben!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY I hope you have a fantastic day with your family; lots of love to you all- it's my son's birthday on the 11th too (he's 9) so i'll never forget yours !
have a great day and post us a list of your '1st' presents
termite xx